Welcome to plato learning academy!
Plato Learning Academy was established in 2008 by American Quality Schools (AQS) and is a CPS Contract School located in the Austin neighborhood on the Westside of Chicago.
A contract school is a public, tuition-free option that is only bounded by residency restrictions - you must live within the city of Chicago. Currently, our students are predominantly African-American (approx. 99%), predominantly low-income (approx. 95%), and predominantly reside in the surrounding neighborhood. We are proud to share that our school is full of energetic, creative, intelligent, and respectful students. We also have engaging parents who are dedicated to pursuing a quality education for their children. More importantly, we have selfless, committed, and motivated teachers driven by the continued success of their students. |
Mission statement
To work collaboratively, think critically, and achieve academically, in order to promote and nurture a community of lifelong learners for tomorrow’s global society.
vision statement
Critical thinkers who inspire change by working together to establish a better world.
"Working Collaboratively, Thinking Critically, Achieving Academically"
Plato creed
We, the students of Plato Learning Academy, are making a commitment to our community. We will respect teachers, staff, and fellow students. Every day, we promise to do our best to reach our goals, to prepare us for a bright future as life-long learners.